У меня накопилось слишком много черновиков и я решила стереть лишнее - и внезапно обнаружила черновик, которому года два уже, разве черновики не хранятся 2 месяца всего? XDD Но в общем, запостю, вдруг кому пригодится: ссылки на понравившиеся мне англофики по Принцу Тенниса.
Странным образом нет ни одного ТеФу... И это если что 2 года назад ссылки собирались, я не проверяла, рабочие они все или больше нет.
читать дальшеAtobe/Kabaji
Atobe is literally swept off his feet.
Inui / Kaidoh
читать дальшеIn the Margins
Inui and Kaidou take data together.
Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail
In which Kaidoh tries to make Inui fall in love with him. And says "fuck" a lot.
Keep your eye on the ball.
Cutting off the Crusts
A picnic.
The Dogs and the Bees
It's not a date.
Like, So Mature
Kaidoh goes on a double date, and he's not that thrilled with it.
Love Sucks, Play Hard
Inui tries yoga. Kaidoh goes underwear shopping.
Elementary, Dear Kaidoh
Kaidoh is getting notes from a secret admirer, and Inui is determined to solve the mystery.
Enough Suffering for Anyone
You don't have to suffer to be a poet. Adolescence is enough suffering for anyone. ~John Ciardi.
A Lick and a Promise
Things get weird. Inui tries to work out why.
Show Your Work
No reward without effort. No belief without proof. No science without hamsters.
читать дальшеThe Stages of Courtship
Yagyuu and Niou become better acquainted.
Souvenirs and Coffee Shops
Yagyuu meets an interesting man at a coffee shop, and gets pulled back into a world he thought he’d left indefinitely.
Tezuka / Inui
читать дальшеC as in Cookie
Inui can't resist a mystery.
Great Lengths
There is a strong likelihood that Inui likes Tezuka. More than 95%.
Tezuka / Kaidoh
читать дальшеGossip
Kaidoh likes cats, or, love among the spectacularly clueless.
Dinner Date
Tezuka takes Kaidoh home to meet his parents.
Inui/Kaidoh, Yanagi/Kirihara
How to Spot an Invert
Yanagi asks Inui for advice on wooing his kouhai; but in some things, Inui is clueless.
читать дальшеScarier Than the Undertaker
Sometimes, Yanagi's best friends make his life miserable.
Risk Assessment
Yukimura weighs the possible risks of revealing himself.
Sanada/Yukimura, Sanada / Yanagi
War and Its Art
Yukimura becomes a teacher
Attempt #32
excerpt from the notebook of Inui Sadaharu: attempt at sex #32
The Sweeter the Juice
Inui's blender breaks, Fuji smiles a lot, Tezuka hangs up the phone, and someone has a secret.
Sanada / Kirihara
Cause and Effect
Sanada and Kirihara don't flirt like other people.
Playing the Game
Tennis and go don't have very much in common (x Hikaru no Go)
Fuji / Oishi
Something Real
Fuji wakes up.
Shinji / Kamio
Study Aids
Akira's only occasionally wanted to literally gag Shinji.
Atobe / Momoshiro
How Do You Get Down From An Elephant?
Dating is a game and Momo is definitely going to win.
читать дальшеFlavors of Quarks
Quarks are never found in isolation and consist of three, opposing pairs of flavors and... Oh, who am I kidding? There is nothing deep about this. It is PORN! The end.
The Problem with Safe Words
Kawamura's propensity for shouting out nonsense in the heat of passion causes certain unique problems in the bedroom.
Fuji asks Taka if he can photograph him.
Inui/ Fuji
читать дальшеDelayed Development
Inui masturbates a lot.
Complementary Angles
This is the way things fit together.
Type Slowly (Track 7)
* eyeswideshut has signed on.
Animal Magnetism
In which Momoshiro is good and noble and cool and true.
How Atobe Stole Seigaku's Virginity
Atobe is horrified to learn that Seigaku are all virgins and takes it upon himself to remedy this situation immediately. Out of the goodness of his heart, mind you, and not because he's trying to get into Tezuka's pants, at all. Tezuka is frightened...and a little turned on.
это я в прошлом году испугалась, что книжки читать перестала и тепреь вот заставляю. все равно мало выходит. но лучше, чем ничего.
Да, даже немного это уже лучше, чем ничего
Правильно, даже немного уже хорошее начало